South Africa’s biggest downfalls stemmed from the introduction and management of the Black Economic Empowerment (BEE). It is the worst thing that ever happened and the trigger for an avalanche of corruption in the new South Africa. It led to potential investors deserting the country and allowed those in power to have a taste of a rich and affluent lifestyle which they quickly became accustomed to. To maintain it, they had to resort to graft and theft. And they embraced those dark arts with gusto.

The idea behind the invention of BEE is laudable, however it turned into a disaster for which ordinary South Africans are paying a heavy price.

It is a policy created with the aim of bridging the gap between theoretical and substantive equality to ensure egalitarianism for all South Africans. It aimed to facilitate broader participation in the economy by people of colour and redress the wrongs of the past, engendered by the former racist regime which systematically excluded all people of colour from meaningful participation in the country’s economy. But it achieved none of those goals, instead it fostered only fraud and chicanery.

In that respect, BABSA will ensure that BEE is implemented properly and allowed to do and achieve what it was put in place to achieve. That is, to facilitate broader participation in the economy by people of colour and redress the wrongs of the past without compromising the economy.

Alternatively, BABSA will dispose of BEE and replace it with a policy that will allow a broader participation in the economy by all people of South Africa without compromising the economy, irrespective of race, gender, religious or political beliefs. Unfortunately, as aforementioned, BEE has become the trigger for an avalanche of corruption in the new South Africa that creates irresponsibility and entitlement, and leads to potential investors deserting the country. It is a policy that is only benefitting the ANC elite. Our administration will restore investors’ trust and confidence in South Africa including proper functional labour relations, which the country has lost as a result of corruption.

We will dispose of the current over-regulations which are keeping investors away and put in place polices that will allow potential investors to invest in South Africa. Polices that will allow both investors and South African citizens to benefit from the investments.


Our administration will make millions of Rands available to improve and strengthen our police and military forces, and we will not hesitate to use military force to take out criminals who cause a direct threat to our citizens. 

BABSA will ensure that Police and Defence Force Training is reformed while also ensuring a better pay rise for the men and women of our Police and Defence Forces. We will recruit more policemen and policewomen, pay them while they are training and improve their training. Paying our men and women in uniform better salaries will reduce corruption within the police force. 

In addition, BABSA will ensure that our men and women who have been members of the fighting services, the police services and their dependants enjoy honour and security and that preference and generous repatriation benefits are recognised. 

BABSA will also make millions of Rands available to improve and strengthen our justice system. 

BABSA will tighten our laws about domestic violence and introduce strict bail reforms.


Under BABSA’s leadership, tertiary qualifications will be a guarantee of future employment, not the other way round. No one will ever again have to pay a bribe to secure a job, and we will come on hard on those who appoint their friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications.

Under our leadership, all public officials will comply with and be guided by the principles of good governance such as accountability, transparency, inclusiveness, and upholding and promoting the rule of law. A public office should be viewed as a public trust and therefore those who serve in it will be expected to be accountable and display loyalty, responsibility, integrity and efficiency.

BABSA will also ensure that all leaders possess both leadership skills, academic credentials and effective qualities of leading a nation.


BABSA will ensure that the Rule of Law remains sacrosanct. We will ensure that the separation of powers works.

We will put in place fair legal frames that are enforced fairly while at the same time protecting human rights and the rights of the minority. Violations of the rule of law does not support the concept of good governance as it does not promote human rights. Violations of the rule of law and lack of transparency can have dire consequences for a country.


BABSA will put in place great infrastructures to eradicate the current water crisis. We will bring to a stop water wastage caused by badly run municipalities that are not investing in maintenance, partly because of corruption and theft. We will invest more money on repairing and improving the water system and prevent the loss of clean drinkable water.

BABSA will ensure that South Africans have access to clean water and their taps never run dry. We will build more dams and provide boreholes where they are required. Water is a valuable commodity particularly within agriculture. We will also not hesitate to introduce an array of innovative hydro panels to extract moisture from the air to supply our citizens with litres of drinking water where necessary.


We will strive to solve South Africa’s power issues within our first term of governance. We will ensure load-shedding is a thing of the past by improving the current infrastructures while introducing renewables. We will also remain open to moving state-owned businesses like Eskom to the private sector for the benefit of the citizens of South Africa.

Privatisation of public sectors is a trend practiced by many governments around the world for the benefit of the citizens. It increases productivity and injects more dynamism into the economy thereby improving living standards as privatised businesses cut costs and increase service quality. Privatization is important in enhancing the power of the people while reducing the state’s power and is useful in reducing government debts as the proceeds of sale can be used in paying off the debts.


The land topic is a very sensitive subject which needs to be approached with caution. BABSA will ensure that land is distributed fairly among all South Africans. There will be no Land Expropriation Without Compensation, with exceptions, of course. BABSA does not support any policy that defeats property rights. Land Expropriation Without Compensation is not a legitimate policy option for redress and a growing economy, particularly considering that not every piece of land owned by whites was illegally obtained. Some of it was legally obtained. However, where it can be proved with evidence that a certain piece of land was misappropriated from its rightful owners then it shall be returned, as has happened in Australia, in the Mabo Case, for example. BABSA supports the security of property rights, as it is a necessary precondition for a country’s prosperity and a thriving economy.

Whereas the current government and other political parties are focused on giving or promising free handouts to the disadvantaged, BABSA’s focus is on teaching our people how to fend for themselves. This can be achieved, with the help of the advantaged, by training and providing people with, for example, interest free business loans to allow them to become contributing members of society. This way, they will become self-sufficient and be able to own businesses and modern homes instead of continuing to live in shacks. A man or woman is not complete until he or she owns a home they can call their castle.

BABSA will also put in place a policy where descendants can have a stake in land deemed stolen or taken by force from their families. They can also work there and own shares in the land.

BABSA does not promise to give everyone a free home, land or business. We cannot just take land or businesses from the rightful owners and just give it away. It’s unsustainable and it compromises the economy. BABSA will however give everyone that qualifies an interest free leg-up and allow them to build or purchase their own home, land or business while allowing them sufficient time to make repayments based on their income. This way we will be able to achieve prosperity and maintain a stable economy.


BABSA will strive to ensure that everyone is entitled to a free and better education while ensuring and guaranteeing better training and a pay raise for school teachers. BABSA will make sure that a child that attends a public school has and feels the same HOPE as the child who attends a private school.

BABSA will introduce a HIGHER EDUCATION HELP scheme or FEE-HELP scheme which will provide a loan to anyone who cannot afford to pay for their university fees or fees to complete a course with an approved higher education provider. The loan will help a student pay his/her student contribution amount. The debt will be repaid via the taxation system once one’s income is above the repayment threshold. BABSA will always epitomize the value of education as this is the only way we can mould competent future leaders.


BABSA will strive to eradicate poverty by providing job opportunities for the people. The privatisation of certain public sectors will create job opportunities for many.

BABSA shall strive to provide South Africans with ECONOMIC FREEDOM amongst other forms of freedom. THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA ARE NOT FREE UNTIL THEY HAVE ECONOMIC FREEDOM.

BABSA will ensure that all South Africans share the wealth and there is an equal distribution of national resources, thereby improving everybody’s lives.

BABSA will strive to improve the public health system. BABSA will introduce a better Medicare system which will guarantee all South Africans free health care. That is, BABSA will promote free healthcare for all thereby ensuring that adequate medical services are within the reach of all.

BABSA will strive on empowering the Youth and Women.

BABSA shall ensure that there is sufficient social provision for the orphaned, the aged, the unemployed and their children, the invalid, the sick and the widowed.

BABSA shall remain dedicated to promoting social harmony, unity and the empowerment of the people of South Africa.

BABSA will strive to build and upgrade sporting facilities for our sportsmen and sportswomen.

BABSA will take a strong stance against the abuse, violence, neglect and exploitation of South Africans who live with disability.

BABSA will take a strong stance against crime. It will ensure that our women and children, the elderly, our farmers and our properties are protected from crime.

ABOVE ALL, BABSA shall remain committed, concerned and caring about BUILDING A BETTER SOUTHAFRICA for all.”